We at the New Jersey College English Association condemn the murder of George Floyd, the history of racist violence and white supremacy, and the violent deaths of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, Nina Pop, Monika Diamond, Sandra Bland, Eric Garner, Freddie Gray, Trayvon Martin, Aiyana Stanley-Jones, Pamela Turner, Tamir Rice, and many others throughout American history. We commit ourselves as literature and writing teachers and scholars to antiracist and antibiased teaching and research. We will work to oppose not only violence but also any form of oppression against people of color in our institutions and our classrooms. Bias in any form, but especially against historically marginalized people, is unacceptable to us. Therefore, in addition to trying to teach from this principle, we must also be learners, challenging ourselves to learn how to create college classrooms that dismantle white supremacy and to listen to historically marginalized voices. We have attached various resources that may be helpful to both teachers and students. Black Lives Matter.